
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

.:2nd mid term break:.

start 22aug til 31aug,all the students n teachers will be once again.on 22aug also all the muslims will start fasting.2 all muslims out there happy fasting.although holiday,i still have work to do which is checking students equivalent test paper.oh subject had finish checked but only the PSK(Sivik),don't why i don't have mood to check it.mayb coz the subject are not important or mayb coz i thought that the Q in objective form so they might be easy 4 me to right it.hehehe...lazy teacher am i.

actually today my mum asks me to clean up our tv n the area around it.but i feel so i decide to hear some energetic song to make me feel comfort b4 start doing the work.besides i'm fasting today.this is my 2nd day mayb it also 1 of the factor why i'm like this.

Monday, August 3, 2009


almost more than 1 month i've been a babysitter.i've 2 look after my cousin son which she took at my house.he's name is alfin.he is 14 months already.he had a very big n thick this moment he still can't talk.every nite we'll be sleep mom will woke up every nite 2 made drinks to him.he loves 2 eat very much.i love him so much.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


bru jer smpi skul trs nmpk bbrp org guru wearing mask..pelik jg.tup2x tanya rupanya ada bbrp org pelajar disuspek kene H1N1.trs panik 1 skul.mmg kelakar la.dlm2 periksa pelajar 2 ada jg yg kene malaria.isk3x mcm2 penyakit la plak skrg kami pun guru2 sdg ptg ikt sm la pakai mask ni.skalinya dibagi taklimat org pegawai kesihatan dr tawau d srh plak kami x perlu pakai mask except for perdson who got memandangkan i've got flu so i must wear it.rupanya2 ramai plak yg disuspek 2 around 20 person.all the hostel's student are quarantine at the same day as all the suspects are stayed at school's hostel.

same as yesterday smpi skul dpt tau yg skul kitorg kene ttp starting from today till 6aug.but the very surprisingly is 9 schools at tawau including SMKMB were closed starting seems like this influenza (ILI) are very serious n haunted most of the people round the world.according to the health officer yesterday, most probably this ILI will kill almost 2 billions people in the world for this 2 years.oh no.lps bcg2 kata sepakat diperolehi n kami cuti start 3aug-7aug.tetiba time dkt nak pulang, pengetua kate kami cuti sehingga 6aug follow the notice given by Tawau General Hospital.aduhhh hampeh lg.napa la x bagi kami balik je td.anyway its good actually coz bknnya cuti x berganti, tp berganti so juz ganti 4 days only.huhuhu..
apapun i hope that all the students that were suspect with H1N1 will recover later.
4 all SMKMBians, happy holiday.